13 August 2011

Aug 11: voila (lightbulb moment)

This morning I was reading in my devotional about loving my enemies. I don’t know exactly why I went to this heading because I was not feeling any resentment or anger in the moment. I went to it anyways. As I previously blogged, a lot of questions are being answered during this fasting period. One of my questions pertains to being used by those I love. Several friends and family have used me over and over again. they get what they want, and leave me scarred. But in the bible it says to love everyone all the time (see earlier blogs for the dets :]) the question I have is when are the boundaries crossed; when does love turn into enabling; when do you dust off your sandles and walk away. Morgan showed me passages in the new testament where jesus basically said I love you but if you are not going to receive what I have to offer, there are more fish in the sea that need saving. Well anyone who knows me knows that I take advice in, but I make it my own before I believe anything I hear. So I have been asking god to answer this through scripture and peace. This morning one of the verses used said this…
“but I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.”
Couple of thoughts: first off jesus says PRAY for those who use you; it does not say keep hanging out with them and eventually it will pay off, its okay to step away sometimes. However, god does not say mark them off your list and forget about them; we must always pray and force ourselves not to harbor anger or resentment. And personally I choose to be there when they need me as an outlet, but not pursuing anything.
Now the continued prayer is knowing in each situation when the moment to step back truly is.

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