25 March 2011

What is Worship??

I cannot sleep. I can never get to sleep. My new way to cope is to blog until I get tired. As I lie here, I wonder about worship

Worship most closely associates with music and singing, but I think when people limit themselves to only one definition they limit the experiences they may encounter with God. I am thinking that worship is just adoration of Him. Just simply standing in awe of how he makes me feel or when i cry out of no where out of happiness and love. Sometimes i get the chills and smile and spin in circles and just dance around like a goof ball. GOD IS FUN. its not all about sitting quietly in church. He created you and your personality. I think that everyone should stretch themselves to grow, but it should never be a chore. I have such a out there personality that for the longest time i would just sit through church and wonder why people could just sit and listen and stand for 3 hours. My gut reaction when i was asked to focus on God was to run and leap in his arms and wrestle. Sometimes people dont accept us. thats just life. Sometimes i dont accept myself. Im a screw up this i know. Thankfully MY god loves me even when i want to spit on myself and those who judge and who hear me and walk away.

I have now learned to strech my faith and get out of my comfort zone. I not only can sit still and talk and thank God for being perfectly fabulous, but now i can get on my knees face to the floor and just lay forever. I cannot get enough of it. I just recently did a 40 day fast of secular music. dont get me wrong Miranda Lambert and Lil Jon get me pumped but i thought maybe listening to only Christian music for a while may help me be a nicer person at school (ive recently let go all filter of my speech at school because i got sick of being hurt by everyone i got close to and its not okay). ha i dont know if it worked but i hope it helped.

During this time, i felt more of an inward peace which i thought was very interesting. I was trying to change my outward actions towards people but through focusing above and not outward, i learned that i had so much stress. I stressed about my past, my failures, my insecurities, my pains, my future, my plans, accomplishing those plans, and i just could not worry about my reactions because that was the least of my worries.

oops sorry. went off on a bunny trail. All that to say, i was worshiping through music because i was focusing my eyes upward. When i worship, none of this crap matters. its about god and the greater plan he has for his people on earth. When i worship i feel better about life. At this time last year i did not want to live. everything about Franklin, tn, the US, and earth is so dirty and spoiled. I wanted to go home to see my heavenly daddy so badly. However, he had bigger plans for me to make some small little difference in someones life to widen his kingdom. He chose me guys! and he chooses YOU! every single person has the potential to help one person, and the cool thing about it is that its up to God to make all the pieces fit. If im open to anything, i dont have to worry. People will come into my life and bless me and i can bless them as well. This truth meant more to me than anything else ive learned my whole life.

umm i think that was a bunny trail again. i dont know what all that has to do with worship but that without god we are a complete mess, and for me personally there is nothing else to live for exept for His Glory. and that is why i worship him.

1 comment:

  1. Note to self: Before reading Ellie's blog, grab a box of Kleenexes! As someone who has had the privilege of witnessing the transformation He has done in you, all I can do is cry tears of joy! He is SO GOOD!!! And He is so pleased with your sacrifices of praise! He wants us to worship Him HIS way, not ours and His way is often unexpected and may look a little crazy in the natural, but I am convinced that when you dance, sing, shout, spin, lie down, or however you respond to His presence, you are doing it right in the middle of the angels. There is a line in a Kim Walker song that says "Open up Heaven. We will party with the angels...". You just keep right on partying, Ellie! You make your Heavenly Daddy smile.
